Good Evening,
I like RSS feeds, you can find mine here, and I usually use them all the time. What better way to use them than to integrate them into a screensaver. Luckily Mac OS X has a built in screen saver which allows you to do just this. Its great if you want to view your Twitter feed or your favourite RSS feed, while you Macs screen saver is running. This is a simple yet useful trick.
To do this, first open up System Preferences located in your Applications folder. Under Desktop Screen Saver, select the Screen Saver tab. From the drop down list select RSS visualizer, under the Apple heading. This is the screen saver which will be running. From the options menu add your RSS feed. You can usually find these on the website in question. When you have finished press the done button and view your screen saver.
I rather like this screensaver, its great as a general background. The image above is showing my personal Twitter feed and its a great way to the latest and greatest tweets from people I am following.
If you want more cool tricks like this, please check out the trick or tip section of my website. Alternatively I recommend Mac OS X: The Missing Manual or The Twitter Book for something more related to Twitter. Tomorrow if I can find a suitable solution I am going to show you have you can change the default RSS screensaver. I dont particularly like the background blue colour and I am going to see if I can change it.
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