Check out this MIT project called Immersion that will show you a graphic view of your Gmail history.  Once you log in, Immersion will use only the From, To, Cc and Timestamp fields of the emails in the account you are signing in with. It will not access the subject or the body content of any of your emails.

According to the website, Immersion will:

  • Just like a cubist painting, Immersion presents users with a number of different perspectives of their email data.
  • It provides a tool for self-reflection at a time where the zeitgeist is one of self-promotion.
  • It provides an artistic representation that exists only in the presence of the visitor.
  • It helps explore privacy by showing users data that they have already shared with others.
  • Finally, it presents users wanting to be more strategic with their professional interactions, with a map to plan more effectively who they connect with.

[fancy_link color=”blue” link=””] Click to try Immersion [/fancy_link]
