FBI Moneypak VirusFBI Moneypak virus is the fastest spreading computer plaque these days , infecting a large number of computers each day . Around a year ago , FBI put their hands on the rogue antivirus scammers , which brought about an enormous decrease in malware business for some time . Cyber scammers appeared to throw in the towel on producing fake antivirus computer software , however these days new malware code is present online and this time it can be a great deal more dangerous than before . FBI Moneypak ransomware is the flagman of these newer infections . This virus is infecting computer end users principally in United States .

FBI Moneypak is deeply concealed in presumably safe applications such as flash updates , video codes , free music websites , even a number of fun applications like life wallpapers and more . Additionally , it could be installed on your machine when you visit a completely legitimate , but hacked website . If you frequently visit and utilize P2P networks , torrent and warez sites then chances for you to be victimized by FBI Moneypak are great . As soon as installed on the victim’s computer , FBI Moneypak scam locks down the computer and informs that the owner of the PC was involved with downloading copyrighted materials , viewing child pornography , as well as other illegal things . The message reads that you have to send a fine of $100 ( a few variations claim $200 ) via MoneyPak payment system or else you’ll be sentenced to prison in next 72 hours . FBI Moneypak virus is a ransomware ( malware that locks the affected computer and extorts the user for cash ) and most people easily get frightened once they see a notice that is coming from FBI .

With the aid of a Trojan called WinLocker, FBI Moneypak virus literally locks your pc. Your desktop, programs and documents will be completely unavailable to you. You can not even run Task Manager, which includes the ability to kill running processes. You simply remain with an FBI Moneypak page, extorting you to pay the $100 get-out-of-the-jail fee As quick as possible. The things have become worse the latest FBI Moneypak version. Two weeks ago it had been possible to break this ransomware by booting the machine in Safe Mode. Then you could launch everything needed to gather Moneypack’s executables and to clean the registry from its malicious entries. Unfortunately, the most recent Moneypak scam runs in Safe Mode too, thus making impossible for anyone to disable it.

Malware gangs went even further in their criminal activities – they equipped FBI Moneypak scam with a webcam component. For those who have a functioning webcam, you’ll see yourself in the Moneypak screen, and the malware will scare you that it is recording everything! This looks really scary, but people should not bother at all – everything is fake. Still lots of internet users are actually falling for this scam.

Last of the Moneypack’s weapons against you is to disable (even delete) your antivirus software. Security experts found that it successfully disables Malwarebytes and AVG. That means that Moneypak virus can infect your computer even if you have a running antivirus program. Here is the good news. You can find a malware removing tool that can successfully remove even that FBI Moneypak version.  Use this Google search to find the tools and instructions to remove the FBI Moneypak virus from your computer.  remove fbi moneypak virus

Or you can always contact CDA Tech Pros to remove it for you.